Victor Giusfredi

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Work Smarter, Not Harder: 3 Hacks to Love Your Job

As someone who experienced their fair share of workplace dilemmas, I can relate to the challenges in various stages of one's career. From starting out as a young immigrant scrubbing factory toilets, to eventually managing global teams in renowned companies and launching 7 businesses, I have weathered both the storms and sunshine that come with earning a badge.

Along this transformative journey, I've come to recognize that one of the most prevalent challenges in the workplace revolves around dealing with people. Our approach to handling these interactions can either exacerbate the problem or become part of the solution. Whether it's the pressure to solve company issues or the struggle to maintain a balanced emotional space with coworkers, work demands can take a soul-rending toll in our life experience.


Navigating the complexities of interpersonal dynamics is a major hurdle we encounter in the workplace. We are not only responsible for our own obligations and commitment, but also engage in martial finesse with those around us. This delicate balancing act, as we strive to meet expectations and stay afloat, can pilfer our joy and distance us from the things and people we love.

It's disheartening when leaders fail to understand their role as guides, contributing to a sinking ship. Simultaneously, employees engage in toxic chatter, oblivious to the importance of personal growth and contribution. This imbalance often leads to emotional turmoil, resulting in complaints, detrimental behavior, and a working atmosphere that leaves us dreading Sunday nights.


Feeling undervalued or underpaid is another pervasive issue in our professional lives. We initially embark on our careers with excitement and enthusiasm, only to find ourselves gradually taking our work for granted. Our performance declines, and frustration sets in when our efforts go unrecognized.

As our workload increases — while our income stagnates — we become trapped in a cycle of frustration and hopelessness. We may fantasize about a magical opportunity that will solve all our problems, but the truth is, such a day might never come.


The time we spend at work, both in terms of quantity and quality, can become a formidable enemy. We find ourselves confined to an eight-hour workday — if we're lucky — adhering to authority and conforming to societal expectations to avoid negative consequences. From childhood, we are conditioned to rely on and obey others, rarely questioning the status quo. We are not empowered or taught that we are all equals; instead, we face psychological warfare between our true passions and the expectations imposed upon us.

This conditioning continues as we progress through the educational system and eventually enter the adult world, burdened with debt and fears about job security. We sacrifice our dreams and aspirations to maintain a sense of certainty, leading to resentment and profound dissatisfaction.

So, how can we address these workplace challenges that may seem beyond our control? The key lies in recognizing that our perspective plays a crucial role in shaping our emotions and experiences.

Rather than burying our discomfort with temporary fixes or distractions, it's time to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery that will lead to greater fulfillment and motivation.


In "The Matrix," during the iconic bullet-dodging scene, Neo successfully dodges bullets fired by Agent Smith, but ultimately gets hit by the last one. However, later on, he not only dodges every shot aimed at him but also gains the power to stop them in their tracks.

When faced with negative situations initiated by others, we possess the same power. Instead of reacting impulsively, we can take a step back and choose a high-quality response or choose not to respond at all.

It's important to realize that others’ actions are often a reflection of their own inner malaise. By practicing empathy and compassion, we come to understand that their behavior is not directed at us personally. By not taking things personally, we become part of the solution, fostering a positive work environment for ourselves and those around us.


When feeling undervalued, it's crucial to reassess our perspective. Rather than dwelling on what we lack and succumbing to suffering, we can focus on what we have and cultivate a sense of gratitude. Take the time to appreciate the positive aspects of your job, and remember how you felt when you aspired to work there in the first place.

Challenge the fear-based mindset and approach situations with confidence. Learn to set boundaries and prioritize tasks to maintain a healthy work-life balance. By shifting our focus and finding reasons to be grateful, we can escape the endless labyrinth and find ourselves in a state of productive harmony


Instead of viewing work as a mere obligation, let's redefine our relationship with it. Explore our passions and align them with our career path. Pursue projects that excite us and contribute to our personal growth. We can find joy and fulfillment in even the most mundane tasks, including those not of our choosing.

It may sound cliché, but the proof is in the pudding. Remember that where we work is our choice, one that we made to manage previous choices. By finding aspects we genuinely appreciate, we can reshape our experiences and find joy in the process.


Workplace challenges are inevitable, but our response to them can make all the difference. By understanding the common issues most of us face in the workplace and adopting a proactive mindset, we can overcome obstacles and find fulfillment in the present.

Remember, you have the power to change your perspective, create positive relationships, and redefine your relationship with work. Honor your own worth, taking the necessary steps to transform an insufferable state of mind into a safe haven.

The road may be challenging, but the rewards will be worth it; and you'll never know unless you give it your best shot.